Mom-n-Me Registration Closing Soon

Moms, our mom and me camp out is just around the corner and know it will be a great time for scouts and moms to have some fun.  The registration form is simply on the mom-n-me event in case you missed it or click here.  Please register by this Sunday so we know how much food to buy. There are more details on the event page found on the calendar: what to pack, schedule of events etc …

In an attempt to make the weekend run more smoothly we have posted the usual parent volunteer signup sheet in advance of the event. Every mom has a job so please pick something that works for you.  Mom-n-me volunteer signup list.

Popcorn Show-n-sell opportunities start this weekend

Itching to easily sell popcorn? Paul Hughes has already started finding opportunities to sell popcorn. Paul will setup the table with popcorn, cash box and tracking sheet. Just need a couple of cheerful boys to work on their salesmanship skills.

There are 2 time slots (so 2 + 2 = 4 Scouts) openings this weekend a Frentz and sons. Please email Paul at or call him at (248) 515-9826 if you want this weekends spot.

Visit our Popcorn Show-n-Sell Signup Genius page to signup on line and get reminders too.

Early Tiger Registration now open

clk-jointoday01-286x300Kindergartners are allowed to join Cub Scouts as soon as June 1st.

There is no formal summer Tiger program, although new tigers are invited to all of our Pack 1634 summer events.

  • June Canoeing and Fishing
  • July Mud Hens Game
  • August summer Picnic
  • Other fun TBD

In addition new scouts are welcome to participate in Cub Scout events around the community.

How do you sign up?

It is simple just follow these 3 steps

  1. Download and fill out these 2 forms
  2. Visit our New Scout Registration Page and fill out the form
  3. After submitting the form you will be taken to Paypal to pay your sons annual $75 dues
    • Roughly $30 goes directly to Boy Scouts of America
    • Another $10 is for Boy’s Life magazine
    • The remaining $35 is what we use to run all of our programs including achievement pins, badges, etc…

What’s Next

  • Events are always posted on our website on the Event Calendar (top menu) and in upcoming events are in sidebar
  • If you registered online and subscribed to Pack News you will receive emails when we have news
  • If you forgot or are not sure if you subscribed visit our Subscribe Now page


Contact Mike Piskie our Committee Chairman at 248-390-6453 or Chuck Flood our Assistant Cubmaster at 248-770-1114

2015 Pinewood Derby Results

Here are the results.

 Here are a few things I noticed when doing the statistics.

  • There were 65 scout cars and 19 open class cars this year.
  • This year’s participation was higher than last year, 81% vs. 73%.
  • The time spread was much tighter this year at 0.9703 seconds vs. 1.6578 seconds for 2014.
  • For the first time we had 100% Webelo I participation.
  • For the first time we had 100% Webelo II participation.
  • The fastest 10 cars all weighed more than 4.95 ounces.
  • Of the slowest 10 cars all but three weighed more than 4.90 ounces.  Weight isn’t everything.
  • Seven cars this year beat the 2014 winning time.  This could be because of the new timing system.

I have four cars.  They are numbers 24, 56, 107, and 204.


There were two coffee mugs, a sweatshirt, and a bag left behind.


Cub Scouts vs Sports

Saw this video posted on Scouter Adam’s blog, and I had to share it. It’s a recruitment video from the Coronado Area Council in Kansas.

On YouTube, they describe the video this way:

A fun video that reminds parents that if getting your son prepared for life is important to you then making time for Scouting is important!