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Here are the results.
Here are a few things I noticed when doing the statistics.
- There were 65 scout cars and 19 open class cars this year.
- This year’s participation was higher than last year, 81% vs. 73%.
- The time spread was much tighter this year at 0.9703 seconds vs. 1.6578 seconds for 2014.
- For the first time we had 100% Webelo I participation.
- For the first time we had 100% Webelo II participation.
- The fastest 10 cars all weighed more than 4.95 ounces.
- Of the slowest 10 cars all but three weighed more than 4.90 ounces. Weight isn’t everything.
- Seven cars this year beat the 2014 winning time. This could be because of the new timing system.
I have four cars. They are numbers 24, 56, 107, and 204.

There were two coffee mugs, a sweatshirt, and a bag left behind.

Mike Piskie - Committee Chairman