To complete online courses, a login is required, but anyone may create a user account and view the courses. Registered members of the BSA may provide their member numbers (as part of the user profile) to receive credit. Your member ID is located on your Scoutbook Profile.
This section provides a variety of materials, from quick references to complete courses, all designed to help our members improve leadership skills and deliver a quality program.
For Den Leaders, Steps 1-3 complete your training. Others will vary depending on what roles they have chosen to perform in the pack.
Website Tips for Online Training
Sometimes the boy scout websites can be a little confusing as they are updating them often. Here are a couple tips for the online training
Once you create an account at and login click on the Home button in top left corner (this is a pull down menu) and select the My Dashboard option. The second tab in the middle of the screen is the Training Center, please click on this and then on Cub Scouts to see a list of classes.
Note YTP and This is Scouting are on the site, where as the Leader specific training will redirect you to the Scouting University site.
Den Leaders Role
STEP 1: Youth Protection Course
This course is required for all new registered leaders and must be retaken every 2 years to maintain registration. Youth Protection training is designed to help you keep your youth safe from abuse. You will learn the Boy Scouts of America’s Youth Protection Guidelines, signs of abuse, and how to report suspected abuse. After each section of material, you will answer questions about that section’s topic. Online Training Here
STEP 2: This Is Scouting
The first step toward training for any volunteer new to Cub Scouting. This course should be taken immediately after you register but before you begin youth activities. Online Training Here
STEP 3: Den Leader Position-Specific Training
This course is intended to provide Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos den leaders with the information and tools they need to conduct successful den meetings. Instructor-led and Online Courses are available. Online Training Here.
Other Pack Roles
Chartered Organization Representative Training
The training outline and resources for training chartered organization representatives can be found at the link below. View the Syllabus. Here is the Workbook. BSA COR Training Workbook
Cubmaster/Asst. Cubmaster Position-Specific Training
The link below is to the instructor guide that is to be used by trainers in presenting the stand-alone Cubmaster and assistant Cubmaster position-specific course. This course is intended to provide Cubmasters with the information and tools they need to successfully lead a Cub Scout pack. Cubmasters and assistants who complete this training and Youth Protection training are considered “trained” for both positions. Register Here
Pack Committee Challenge—Pack Committee Position-Specific Training
The Pack Committee Challenge is designed for pack committees and is the course (along with Youth Protection training) pack committee members need to be considered “trained.” Pack Committee Training Syllabus Register Here
STEM Nova Counselor Training
These courses are intended to provide training for STEM Nova counselors. The intructor-led course is designed to be used with the training slide deck at group courses. NOVA Counselor Self Study Guide
STEM Supernova Mentor Training
This course is a self-study training course for STEM Supernova mentors. Supernova Mentors Guide
Outdoor Skills Training Courses
These courses are designed to help Scouters with skills related to the BSA’s outdoor program.
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
This one day course is designed as an introduction to the Cub Scout outdoor program for those leaders who are interested in adding a camping component to their Pack activities. BALOO is an instructor-led course which is conducted at the Council level. BSA’s Cub Scout level camping policies will be taught along with the necessary tools to help units carry out a successful camping experience.
Completion of this course is mandatory for at least one adult on a Pack overnighter.
Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders (OWL)
This course is designed to help Webelos leaders enhance the outdoor program for the Webelos Scouts in their den by teaching some basic outdoor skills as well as skills needed to complete many of the Webelos activity badges. This course can be taught as a stand-alone experience but is often presented in conjunction with Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS).
Safe Swim Defense & Safety Afloat
Training required for events relating to swimming. At least one leader at a swim-related event must have this training. Register Here