Once again the Moms and scouts had a weekend of fun at the DbarA. Highlights included the Moms’ victory at tug of war; shooting bb guns, and “Brave Bob”, the frog that survived being swallowed by a snake. Special thanks to the Webelos for hosting the campfires and s’mores; to the Wolves for entertaining us all with a skit, and to the Bears for the unforgettable Shark Song! Thanks also to all the moms for pulling together to keep the boys fed and busy with their achievements. See you at the ranch next October!
Author Archives: Mike Piskie - Committee Chairman
Fundraising Update
The Cub Scouts are out and about selling popcorn this year with great success. The show and sells are averaging around $150 to $200 for a 2 hour shift. We have several opportunities still available this weekend. Note the popcorn Kernel (aka Matt) will setup the station for you. Any scout can do more than 1 show and sell so check out the sign up sheet now and pick your spot.
There is still plenty of time to sell Christmas wreaths. They really are nice. Check out the Wreath page for more details. The order form and pricing sheet can be downloaded from this site but the catalog you can get from Matt Segvich
Mom-n-Me Fun in the Rain 2012
It was wet and it was muddy, but that didn’t stop our Cub Scouts from enjoying the 2012 Mom and Me camping trip. We were able to try something new this year with bouldering and some rousing games of Fishes and Sharks and Three Musketeers races while waiting for the gate to open. And, of course, we played kickball. Our Saturday bonfire got rained out, but we made the best of it with board games and (microwave) s’mores.
The Tigers earned their Leave No Trace patches. The Wolves are half way to a gold arrow with five arrow point electives. And the Bears worked on their long-awaited whittling chips. It was too wet to work on the hiking belt loop, so we’ll look forward to that next year.
Thanks to everyone who pitched in with the everything that needs to be done to make a camping trip for over 80 people a success by cooking, cleaning, shopping, hauling and organizing, especially Sarah Cerone, Jenny Miller, Chestra Peaslee, Francesca Sobeck, and Anne Marie Vecchio. Thank you also to Chicken Shack for Friday’s dinner.
See you back at the ranch in October 2013!
Megan Piskie
New Scouts &Tiger Cubs Welcome Meeting
New to Scouting or just starting with Shrine? We have a great cub scout pack that is ready for your sons and parent both to enjoy. From monthly pack events to optional extracurricular events throughout the year we have something for everyone.
To kick things off we have scheduled time on September 12th to allow parents and kids to come and ask questions about our Pack. Check out the events page for more details.
New Tiger Cubs (1st Graders)
If you have a first grade son this year, have you considered signing them up for cub scouts? We have several fun events planned for the year, including our annual “Mom and Me” Campout, the “Dad and Lad” Campout, ice fishing, pinewood derby car racing, raingutter regatta boat racing, and spending the night on the Silversides World War II submarine as well as a lot of smaller events throughout the year. The time commitment for cub scouts is minimal, typically just two days per month and we are very flexible so there is no penalties or hard feelings if there are other events that conflict with scouting. We have a fun time at our events, and if you can join us “Great!”, if not “no problem”. Siblings can also come if you don’t have a way to provide babysitting!
Does this sound fun?
Consider coming out on our “Join Scouting Night” this upcoming Wednesday evening September 12 in the Grade School Cafeteria at 7:00pm. We will answer any questions you have about scouting, and will have the forms and information available for you to sign up for cub scouts. If you are sure you are signing up, you can also follow the link below and fill out the registration forms required. We also have the calendar for the year posted under Events and if you sign up for our mailing list you will be reminded of anything fun that is upcoming.
2012 Online Registration
Exciting news!!
We are pleased to report that registration for 2012 has been greatly simplified with both a simple online registration form and the ability to pay online with a credit card.
Register your boys today. We have a great year planned ahead.
2012 Event Calendar Available
The 2012 Events calendar has been posted. Though the details of some events may change with time the bulk of the event dates are already in place. If you are a techy any individual event can be added to your Gmail or Outlook calendar with a click of a button.
New this year is the ability to add all of the Pack Events to your calendar via Outlook or Gmail Calendars. Visit the Events page for all the details.
Note: Individual dens will be adding their den meeting dates ASAP.
Boy Scout ‘Jungle Adventure’ Summer Camp
Boy Scout ‘Jungle Adventure’ Summer Camp is just around the corner and the early registration discount deadline is May 13th. The camps run for 3 days and are filled with fun and achievement opportunities. The only parental requirement is that we provide a minimum of 1 parent per 5 kids. So if we have 6 kids signed up each parent needs to volunteer for 1/2 of a day, not a bad deal for $50. To learn more checkout ‘Day Camp Parent’s Guide‘.
Rain Gutter Regatta 2012 Race Results
The 2012 Raingutter Regatta results are below. Thank you to all the parents that helped make it a fun event, and good job scouts on your boats. They looked great and you sailed them very well.
Pinewood Derby 2012 Race Results
The 2012 Pinewood Derby was a great success with 78 cars entered. The difference between the fastest and slowest car was only .8741 seconds. In the words of Bill Grayzar our race official that is how long it takes to say ‘beep’. There were an amazing array of cool car designs and it was great to see such creativity from the ‘kids’.
Possible Field Trip
In lieu of our next den meeting, we are considering a Field Trip the the SOCCRA Recycyling Center with another Wolf Den. We would meet there at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, November 15. Stay tuned for more information.