Boy Scout ‘Jungle Adventure’ Summer Camp

Boy Scout ‘Jungle Adventure’ Summer Camp is just around the corner and the early registration discount deadline is May 13th.  The camps run for 3 days and are filled with fun and achievement opportunities.  The only parental requirement is that we provide a minimum of 1 parent per 5 kids.  So if we have 6 kids signed up each parent needs to volunteer for 1/2 of a day, not a bad deal for $50. To learn more checkout  ‘Day Camp Parent’s Guide‘.

Although your scout can attend any of the area camps Pack 1634 is planning to attend:

  • When: July 26th to 28th 9 am to 3 pm
  • Where: Clawson City Park (Map)
  • Cost: $50 by 5/13 or $65 later
  • Parent Responsibility: 1/2 to 1 day of attendance
  • Registration: Sign me up form

If you want to join us on the 26th please let Brian Tulley know by phone 248-545-2746 or email  If this date does not work for you may sign up on the Great Lakes Scout site for a time and place that works for your Scout. To take advantage of the early registration discount please contact Brian by 5/13/2012.

For more information check out the Great Lakes Council Summer Camp page