Dad-n-Lad Registration Open

Dads registration for our upcoming Dad-n-Lad is now open. Please visit the event page to register you and your son for some fall camping fun.

You can stay in a tent or be inside in one of the 3 bunk rooms. Stay for the day or the whole weekend. Rain, snow or shine we will have a good time.

Still planning the event schedule so check back for updates in the next couple weeks.

We need 4 or 5 days to plan the event in advance and so far we have a head Chef, a supplies and logistics volunteer and a registrar.  We could use 2 to 3 more dads just to plan the fun events that we will do this year.

Each dad will also signup for a 2 small roles when they show up at camp (e.g. dinner setup, lunch cleanup …), each of which is about 30 minute commitment.

Register here.