Parent Involvement
It’s Actually About YOU
You set the stage for success or failure. As a parent you NEED to know the purpose and value of scouting is, and to reinforce that with your son(s). Whether it is visible or not, they are looking for your approval. You gave them the “all clear” to sign them up, but having you on the sideline cheering their accomplishments resonates. Your enthusiasm will inspire them and challenge them to be the best they can. So sit down next to them, give him all of your attention for a few minutes, watch, ask questions, and if needed, help! Discuss what they are doing and want to they want to do in Scouting. I think you will find yourself impressed with what they already know!
The Value of Scouting
It’s about Fun with Purpose. Teaching life skills, and values that will follow your son(s) for the rest of his life. Learning to be part of the Community through service and interaction. Knowledgeable and Respectful of our Natural World. They will learn to be Independent Thinkers and Leaders that are comfortable Public Speaking.
The Parent Challenge
Life Balance. School, sports, hobbies…there are only so many activities that fit into the day-to-day routine. It’s critical to understand two points when considering the balancing act. First, Scouting impact many things from physical abilities to how a person views and interacts with the world – it’s reach in youth development is broad and deep. Second, it is far less demanding on the schedule than most school and intramural sports and extra-curricular activities. We meet as a pack 1-2 times per month, depending on if there are district or council events the boys would enjoy. Dens meet 1-2 times per month, depending on the den. The cold hard fact is: Boys CAN balance Scouts and Sports. We won’t bench you for missing a meeting. We won’t require you to show up 3-5 days per week. We ask for 2-4 days a month and that when both you and your scout are at a meeting, do your best, that’s it.
We ARE a Team
Our Scouts are friends and teammates. We play together, explore together, and watch out for each other. As your son(s) advance, they will face larger challenges and teamwork becomes more important. A Den, even small ones, have a diverse group of interests. Meetings/Adventures are a chance to come together, set the rest of the world aside and focus on our common interests. Parents, nurture that mindset.
The Dirty Secret
It’s your chance to explore too. If you truly engage yourself with your scout(s) you are likely to build a deeper relationship with your son(s). You may find yourself doing cool things you haven’t done in decades, and forgot you missed. You may learn things you never knew. Any which way – chances are high that if you are actually participating, you will come to love scouting too. Have you ever wondered why there are so many adults volunteering in scouting when their kids are long grown up? THIS is why.
It’s Parent Run
This entire group runs on parents. See a need, fill a need. We all have great skills sets and abilities. If you have something you want to teach or share, please tell us. The more parents that help, the better the program. Sometimes it’s a matter of just offering a hand at a meeting, or helping plan an event. Just remember, that anytime you offer to assist at any level, it makes a BIG difference to both your boy(s) and the other Parent (aka Leader).