Scout Book Advancement Tracker
Scoutbook is a web app that is an integral part of the Scouting experience with Pack 1634. We provide access to Scoutbook free-of-charge for all parents, Scouts, and leaders. The app allows everyone to easily:
- Track advancement
- Upload photos & videos
- Send messages to leaders, parents, and Scouts
- Plan events and track activities
Information about Pack 1634 in Scoutbook is not public and can only be seen by users who are manually approved by the Pack. Parents of new Scouts will be emailed an invitation to create an account on Scoutbook and join our Pack. If you have not received an invitation, please contact a Committee member or your son’s den leader.
All families in Pack 1634 must have an active email address connected to their Scoutbook account. News and information from Pack 1634 is disseminated through a mailing list from Scoutbook so if you have not signed up you are likely to miss important announcements.