Rain Gutter Regatta 2012 Race Results

The 2012 Raingutter Regatta results are below.  Thank you to all the parents that helped make it a fun event, and good job scouts on your boats.  They looked great and you sailed them very well.

Scout Race

Scout time 1 time 2 TOTAL
Jeffrey Rob 6.4 8.7 15.1
Frank Fir 7.6 8.0 15.6
Michael Rom 10.7 7.7 18.4
William Pis 8.9 10.2 19.1
Michael Sel 9.6 9.6 19.2
Tommy Rob 10.8 9.3 20.1
Luke Han 10.2 10.3 20.5
Eli Thu 10.6 10.5 21.1
Jack Che 11.4 10.4 21.8
Henry Pis 10.1 11.9 22.0
Emerson Kri 11.3 11.1 22.4
William Ve 11.4 12.2 23.6
Ben Ewa 10.8 13.2 24.0
Danny Mil 11.2 13.3 24.5
Tanner Orv 15.9 9.7 25.6
Manuel Rom 16.8 9.2 26.0
Alex Lop 15.1 11.9 27.0
Michael Cha 15.9 11.5 27.4
Andrew Ima 15.4 13.6 29.0
Billy Nor 14.9 15.0 29.9
Stephen Rus 17.0 14.3 31.3
Arline Lil 14.5 17.0 31.5
Beck Pe 13.8 18.6 32.4
Declan Tul 16.4 16.3 32.7
Nick Gio 13.4 20.7 34.1
Gabe Gra 19.9 15.7 35.6
Max Kro 27.3 12.0 39.3
Eain Ati 25.8 14.3 40.1
Jesse Han 17.9 31.1 49.0

Open Race

Open Division time 1 time 2 TOTAL
Anthony Sob 7.0 7.0 14.0
Danny Che 7.7 7.8 15.5
Ashton Fir 12.7 10.5 23.2
Keifer Han 12.7 13.7 26.4
Grace Vel 15.6 11.4 27.0
Charlie Vel 10.5 17.3 27.8
Adam Ima 17.2 13.2 30.4
Brendan Tul 18.1 13.8 31.9
Michael Seg 20.3 12.4 32.7
Eva Lil 21.6 14.0 35.6
Audrey Thu 17.3 19.6 36.9